We are a group of professional musicians from various walks of life that believe in the power of music.
The primary purpose of this site is to educate and provide links to studies that are going on in the world of music and its connection to health. However, we are not doctors and do not prescribe. Please do not make uneducated decisions about your health and don’t believe every crazy claim you may read on websites across the Internet.
A secondary purpose of this site is to provide you with resources (normally free) that we believe might bring some musical peace to your busy life.
It goes without saying that we do not endorse everything we link to. Remember that even studies are open to interpretation and are prone to error. In the world of medicine, multiple studies are usually required in order to make definitive declarations about health-related issues.
We are proudly sponsored by Caring Sunshine, a distributor of Nature’s Sunshine products and RedGateBeauty, a LipSense distributor. (Try LipSense colors lipstick for a long wear beautiful look.)